“如果某件事不能永远持续下去,它就会停止。”美国经济学家赫伯·斯坦恩(Herb Stein)指的是美国联邦负债相对于GDP的水平。其背后的逻辑更是普遍适用,不言而喻。
A New Picture of Economy and Finance under the Global Recovery
Chairman Lou, Chairman Paulson, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. It gives me great pleasure to share my thoughts at this Global Asset Management Forum.
To begin, let me provide a brief recap on the high-level state of the global economy before Covid-19. I would characterize three points:
First, the global economy was at its highest level of globalization in history of mankind – highly connected through trade, cross border investments, and people to people links through travel. For example, there were around 1.5 billion international tourist trips in 2019, before pandemic.
Second, the global economy was also marked by a high level of disparity – with high and rising levels of income inequality within economies. Many developing economies continue to face large infrastructure deficits and access to infrastructure differs greatly within countries. Among the regional members of the AIIB, nearly 2.4 billion people do not have reliable access to internet. This is not equitable.
Third, there was climate and environment degradation. Not enough was being done to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, protect the environment, and prevent Covid or future pandemics.
The combination of hyper-globalization, without addressing development disparity or environmental degradation, and inadequate and unequal provision of global public goods, makes globalization vulnerable and ultimately unsustainable.
In finance and economics, there are two well cited sayings:
“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.”, noted the American economist Herb Stein referring to the level of federal debt relative to GDP. His logic is more general and self-evident.
The second goes like this, “The stock market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent”, attributed to another economist John Maynard Keynes.
These two instincts are often in a tussle. Most of us rationally recognize that the global economy has been on an unsustainable path for a long time. Yet many of us would still like or feel compelled to continue with the current status quo to maintain our current business models and profits.
To be fair to Keynes, he was not giving us the intellectual license to be irrational. Rather, he was cautioning that the action of a single actor would not be sufficient, it could even be foolish to go against the market.
The silver lining of Covid-19 is that it has exposed many key fragilities in the global economy, our collective shortcomings, and confronts us with the urgency of change. Without change, Herb Stein will be right, and our economy will stop. It is thus important that we as a collective bring back rationality and sustainability into investments.
A more environmentally sustainable, less fragile, and more equal global economy should be the new picture to aspire to and aim for with the global recovery.
I would like to highlight how this vision is embedded in the AIIB Corporate Strategy and our priorities:
First, to mobilize more finance towards climate mitigation. AIIB has set itself out to be a green bank from the beginning, but we will need to do more. We are aiming for our cumulative financing to mitigate climate change to reach upwards of 50 billion US dollars by 2030, and aim for half of all our new financing to be to the private sector by 2030, whereby the private investors will also put resources in climate financing.
Second, we will actively reach out and partner with asset investors like yourselves to drive more infrastructure investments and accelerate inclusive and low-carbon growth. We will build upon our award-winning Sustainable Capital Markets Initiative and other financing solutions to unlock funding for a green future. You will be our key partners.
Third, we will pay specific attention to technology-led growth including digital investments. It is about connectivity but also more than that – we see infrastructure investments as a means to connect lesser developed economies into the global economy and spread opportunities.
It is all the organizations here that will play the decisive role of allocating capital and credit to implement the vision for the more inclusive and sustainable post crisis economy. As a group, we will also be confronted with similar challenges. Let me highlight a few:
The global economy will take time to transition to net zero carbon emissions. Cutting out fossil fuels abruptly at this stage will lead to serious withdrawals symptoms and many economies will grind to a stop immediately, leading to social unrest. This too is irrational. Investors like ourselves need to explore approaches that are the least destructive and most amenable to many economies dependent heavily on fossil fuels. A most pragmatic and workable solution, representing a sound investment ethos and ESG standards, is to take renewables as a default and priority, financing non-renewables only when it is absolutely necessary.
The industry needs increased transparency with regards to green financing. We need to know where our financing is going and bring about genuine sustainability, and should prevent “greenwashing”. We need to build and maintain public confidence through our actions.
Let me conclude. AIIB is a young organization with a relatively small balance sheet compared to the large investors, financial institutions or funds. Our key strength is our multilateral character and governance, our people and expertise in environmental and social safeguards, and hence our ability to influence and work on these challenging areas. It is our mandate to provide sustainable infrastructure for the development of our members.
We look forward to working with like-minded investors like you to continue scaling up infrastructure investments as an asset class for the good of our members and for the planet.
Finally, I'd like to highlight a point: we remain optimistic about strong robust growth of China.
Thank you very much.
