
摩根士丹利投资管理首席执行官丹尼尔·辛克维兹先生(Daniel Simkowitz)近日出席全球财富管理论坛上海苏河湾峰会时,就可持续投资话题发表主题演讲。作为可持续投资领域的先驱者之一,辛克维兹先生介绍了摩根士丹利对可持续投资方向所做的趋势性分析,并通过一些实践案例明确了可持续投资与量化投资策略相结合的可行性。在当前全球碳中和的大背景之下,他进一步指出可以将ESG目标作为一个创造长期价值的抓手,逐步形成全球性的可持续投资规范,以帮助投资者和企业可持续地开拓未来市场。
摩根士丹利在中国的基金管理合资公司,摩根士丹利华鑫基金,于2018年就率先在中国市场开展ESG投资研究。我们参加了中国证券投资基金业协会举办的ESG研讨会,并参与起草了《绿色投资指引》和《上市公司ESG投资指引》。同年,我们开始开发名为“ESG DataLAB”的ESG智能投资研究平台,以解决A股上市公司在社会责任方面披露有限等问题。2019年,我们成为中国第八家签署《联合国负责任投资原则》的公募基金管理公司。2020年7月,摩根士丹利华鑫基金管理有限公司成立了首支由ESG DataLAB提供支持并结合可持续投资策略与量化投资策略的ESG主题基金,开创了可持续投资与量化投资策略相结合的先河。
Speech at GAMF 2022 Shanghai Summit
Daniel Simkowitz
With the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and inequality collectively driving news headlines, political discourse and economic realities around the globe, financial services firms and investors are facing increased pressure to responsibly manage, and even address, sustainability issues. Any early skepticism in sustainable investing has been replaced by a strong inclination and many market participants see sustainability as core to the future of investing.
However, despite rapid momentum and widespread adoption, challenges including lack of standardization in data and measurement continue to be a challenge to navigating a more comprehensive transition to sustainable investing both in China and globally. Morgan Stanley’s research into adoption of sustainable investing and our own experience in this space reveals how sustainable investing has gathered enough momentum to reach the mainstream yet has a distinct complexity that must be addressed for further growth.
Before I dive into the topic, let me begin with a brief background on our firm’s long history in China and commitment to the region. Morgan Stanley is proud to have been one of the first global investment banks to establish a presence in China. We opened our Shanghai office in 1994 with a goal of building a leading, fully integrated financial services firm in China. We made progress towards that goal by founding China International Capital Corporation with the China Construction Bank, the first securities joint venture of its kind, in 1995.
We continued our growth in 2008 partnering with Huaxin Securities to form a fund management company, Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund Management Company. As of 2021, this business has won 73 prestigious awards by Morning Star China, China Securities Journal and other authorities. In more recent years, we have also established a RMB private equity investment management firm and a securities joint venture.
As a result of these efforts and in strong partnership with key regional firms over the past 27 years, we have developed a diversified onshore business platform in China that includes securities, a commercial bank, mutual funds, and private equity funds.
Today, Morgan Stanley has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai in addition to our regional headquarters in Hong Kong and we are able to provide a wide range of services to domestic and international clients in China. China remains a critical market for Morgan Stanley globally and over the coming years we will continue to invest capital, and in our talent and infrastructure, as we continue to expand our business footprint.
As with our substantial history in China, we also proud to have long been a market leader in sustainability. We began our focus on sustainable investing much earlier than most of Wall Street. In 2009, during the financial crisis, we launched a Global Sustainable Finance group to drive our sustainability strategy across Morgan Stanley. The firm recognized that this would be a topic of increasing importance to our clients and a key differentiator for Morgan Stanley.
In the beginning, we often received skepticism as to if this was an area that profit seeking investors should or would be interested in. Both Morgan Stanley and the industry more broadly had to convince skeptical investors that investing for social and environmental impact does not necessarily entail financial sacrifice. Analyzing the performance of sustainable investments, and proving their resiliency, has been critical to advancing the field and encouraging others to invest with an ESG mindset.
According to Sustainable Realities, a study by the Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing, U.S. sustainable equity funds outperformed traditional peer funds by a median of 4.3 percentage points in 2020, the largest difference in performance recorded since 2004, in a year marked by uncertainty amid the global pandemic. The results of the study further highlight the potential for better risk-adjusted returns from sustainable funds, especially in times of severe market volatility.
It should be no surprise that there’s more than $35 trillion of sustainable assets under professional management globally which represent more than 1/3 of global AUM. Global assets are on track to exceed $53 trillion by 2025.
In addition, COP26 taught us that reaching the target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 calls for a staggering $100~150 trillion in investments (per Net-Zero Banking Alliance estimates), meaning annual investments must jump threefold to $2.6 trillion in 2021~2025 versus the prior five-year period.
Within Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund Management, our China fund management joint venture, we started ESG investment and research back in 2018 ahead of many of our peers. We participated in ESG seminars organized by AMAC and took part in drafting the "Green Investment Guidelines" and the "ESG Investment Guidelines for Listed Companies". In the same year, we embarked on the development of our proprietary ESG intelligent investment research platform called ESG DataLAB to overcome issues such as limited disclosure of social responsibility reports by A-share listed companies. In 2019, we joined UNPRI and were the eighth mutual fund management company in China to do so. In July 2020, Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund Management established an ESG-themed fund. This product is supported by ESG DataLAB, while pioneering the combination of sustainable investment and quantitative investment strategies.
Yet, while sustainable investing is now firmly in the mainstream, our research has found that many asset owners struggle to formulate a successful long-term strategy for their institution. Against a fast-moving backdrop of varied investment philosophies, wide-ranging stakeholder pressure and growing regulation, a host of questions often emerge. Among the most common: What is the full spectrum of approaches to sustainable investing implementation? How should we define and communicate success? Who are our key stakeholders? Where is the right place to start within our investment portfolio?
Over the past decade, Morgan Stanley Investment Management and the Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing have collaborated with asset owners from around the world to define and advance their sustainable investing programs. Through this process, we have learned that constructing a successful sustainable investing strategy is complex, and one size does not fit all.
Global asset owners now routinely incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in their investment decision making. In our 2020 survey of global asset owners, eight in ten asset owners actively integrate ESG factors into the investment process, up 10 percentage points in two years, while a further 15% are considering doing so. 95% are integrating or considering integrating sustainable investing in all or part of their portfolios. 88% want to drive impact at the global level through their thematic investments.
However, the study found that asset owners face pressure to demonstrate the ethical, environmental and social attributes of their investments. Investors seek better tools and data to measure sustainability. In fact, asset owners are eager to measure and report portfolio impacts, but nearly a third lack adequate tools to assess investments against their ESG goals. The majority of investors also believe that companies with ESG-aligned practices can be better long-term investments but continue to need better reporting and data to evaluate holdings on those criteria.
As investors focus on defining their ESG goals and strategies, another key factor that could support the growth of the ESG market would be global norms around ESG data. Research from Calvert, our ESG-focused investment business and one of the largest responsible investment companies in the United States, further supports the importance of more standard tools and measurement capabilities for investors. Calvert identified the importance of global norms, expressed in agreements such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) and the Paris Climate Accord. These global norms can provide a framework for investors and businesses to create a more sustainable world. Critical to those efforts is a robust program for engaging corporations on material ESG issues, which is more essential now than ever before.
Currently, investors receive information about companies’ carbon exposure, human capital and diversity information from a range of non-standardized sources, such as company websites, corporate social responsibility reports, sustainability reports, company regulatory filings or simple estimates. However, government regulators around the world have indicated they will begin or advance requirements for the disclosure of carbon, human capital and some diversity data. A new environment of higher quality data will increase the need for expert ESG analysis to incorporate the information into securities prices.
One potential outcome is enhanced performance expectations for those companies with strong ESG management practices and investors initially seeking lower risk exposures across carbon, human capital and diversity.
Financial drivers of sustainable investing are regularly entering investment conversations, as the growing pool of evidence demonstrates that sustainability may support long-term value creation. And stakeholders of all kinds will continue to push for action, from pensioners seeking to mitigate ESG risks or Millennials looking to achieve positive impact through their capital as well as to regulators requiring greater disclosure and transparency. As the appetite for sustainable investing rapidly accelerates, we see technology and third-party investment managers playing a key role in measuring sustainability and further driving adoption. Firms like Morgan Stanley can play a critical role supporting clients and other stakeholders as the industry develops the necessary tools to drive even further adoption.
