摩根大通资管CEO:虎年市场 八面来风

摩根资产与财富管理公司CEO Mary Callahan Erdoes女士近日出席全球财富管理论坛上海苏河湾峰会时,就全球投资组合及资本市场增长趋势发表了演讲。
随着2021年进入尾声,摩根大通在中国开展业务已超过百年,我们为此感到自豪。我们在过去的一个世纪里深耕中国业务,也非常期待下一个百年的到来。1921年,我们在中国展开业务,当时摩根大通的前身Equitable Eastern Banking Corporation在上海设立了第一家分行,为本地和外国机构客户提供金融服务。
Speech at GAMF 2022 Shanghai Summit
As we close the year of 2021, we are proud to have crossed over the 100 year mark for JPMC's presence in China. Our firm has proudly done business in China for the past century and we look forward to many more centuries to come. We are proud to have established our business in China in 1921, when the predecessor firm of J. P. Morgan, Equitable Eastern Banking Corporation, established its first branch in Shanghai, providing financial services to local and foreign institutional clients.
And for these last 100 years, from the many visits of David Rockefeller to today's countless investments and Joint Ventures in the region by Jamie Dimon, we are proud to continue to help our clients from around the world invest into China and tremendously grateful for the many Chinese clients who entrust us to help them access other parts of the world. We thank you all for this business partnership and we look forward to continuing to help clients inside and outside of China to help manage their hard earned assets for long term income and prosperity, for many years to come.
As we welcome the year of the Tiger, we hope for a year of vigor and vitality, something the tiger symbolizes. And we hope that translates to financial vigor and vitality as well.
In the spirit of the lucky number 8, I have eight points for the year of 2022 in the markets that I think all investors should keep at the forefront of their minds:
1. THE PANDEMIC. If New York City is any sign, COVID is likely to go the way of SARs, hopefully soon. We've had a surge, with endlessly long testing lines and empty pharmacy shelves. But this week already feels better and for the vaccinated it has been mostly mild. So If the trends in London and New York City continue, we will be on a better trend, globally, in a short period of time. Let's all hope that is case!
2. LIQUIDITY. In response to the global pandemic, major Central Banks around the world have flooded the markets with liquidity to help support those markets. Having a playbook from The Global Financial Crisis, the world required a lot of liquidity and quickly, to help cure the wounds of the damage from financial markets, and it worked. So when the world went into lockdown, the central banks used that playbook. They provided $26 billion of liquidity every trading day, in other words, that is twice as much liquidity and in half the amount of time as the 2008 crisis. As such, central banks' balance sheets have grown 4x, and that liquidity makes all sorts of things increase in price. Adding to that, 2021 also had over $6.5 trillion in M&A value (the most ever) and investors put more money into the equity markets than the last 20 years, cumulatively. Today US Consumers have $2 trillion in excess savings waiting on the sidelines ready to be spent or invested. With this in mind, it should come as no surprise that the S&P 500 forward P/E is at 21x when the historical average has been less than 17x.
3. INFLATION. Inflation doesn't make everything look good. Higher interest rates mean future earnings in today's terms don't look as good as they did moments before. Supply chain issues are not unclogged yet. As of December 16th, there were 94 containerships loitering in the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports. U.S. truckers collectively wasted what amounted to FIFTY years waiting in lines last year. Additionally, "transitory" is a word that is fading from fame. In December, over 1.5 million workers were not at work due to illness, 2.5 million due to vaccine requirements (that is 1% of all adults) and 5 million people because they were caring for children not in school or daycare. Ultimately, financial expectations need to be readjusted.
4. ESG. Today's investors use the letters E-S-G to express the desire to do good while investing. But ESG is personal because everyone's version of doing good in the world can be different. No one size fits all. Some may want to change the fossil fuel industry. We just have to realize that the world may not be ready for the speed of that withdrawal as there are not viable replacements for the way we work today. A quick retreat from today's energy sources is leading to short term pressure, Europe, as an example, is experiencing natural gas prices running 4x higher than where they were just a year ago. And the investments to change (i.e. Capex) is down 75% from peak. So, we need to get to a better place but in a smart way.
5. ALTERNATIVES. Don't pay a liquidity premium for 100% of your assets if you don't need to. Alternatives have tremendous value if you don't need liquidity, to bring this to life for you, the yield on the infrastructure ETF is approximately 2.5% versus 10% for the illiquid version. I mention infrastructure because, even though it appears very boring, it is very important. Not one U.S. port ranks in the top 50 globally, demonstrating room for improvement and investment.
6. YUCs (Young Unprofitable Companies). Be careful. YUCs currently make up about 3.5% of the CRSP US Total market index, which we use as a proxy for the total US investable universe. This is the highest percentage since the early 2000s, despite the fact that between 1980 and 2019, the average 3-year buy and hold return for unprofitable IPO companies is -17.0%. Another startling stat is that Innovation ETFs have 80% of their portfolios allocated to unprofitable companies. Performance is down almost 50% from last year's peak, nevertheless, these ETFs have still outperformed the S&P 500 by over 20% since January 2020. After a 30-year bull market, distant profits are increasingly more susceptible to higher discount rates and it can hurt when revalued.
7. BIASED PORTFOLIOS. Home country bias has never been more prevalent. For example, the U.S. equity market is more than half of the global stock market, yet nearly three-fourths of the entire U.S. equity market is owned by Americans. In addition, 77% of the Japanese equity market is owned by Japanese investors, even though the market is only 6% of a global benchmark. Try to fight against that bias in your portfolio. Be sure you are investing on all the areas of growth around the world, not just the ones you can "see" every day, especially since "exploring the world" has been muted.
8. BLACK SWAN. After 25 years of managing money, the only thing I can assure you is that tomorrow's "black swan" event is unlikely to be anything the world is talking about, and more likely to be a derivative of something we haven't expected. So just remember the only "SMART" thing to do is to stress test your portfolio for the "known unknowns" but also the "Unknown unknowns."
These are my "LUCKY 8", eight thoughts for the portfolios to be ready for bumps in the road but also many growth opportunities to come in the future.
