柏瑞投资多元资产全球主管Michael J. Kelly:如何看待中美两国的经济前景和投资未来?

近日,全球财富管理论坛•2023上海苏河湾大会在上海市静安区隆重召开。柏瑞投资多元资产全球主管Michael J. Kelly出席“全球经济形势展望与投资未来”主题论坛并发表主题演讲。


Michael J. Kelly围绕中美两国的经济展望以及两国市场定价情况分析发表了观点,他表达了对中国股权市场的信心,并认为美国当前经济处于被高估的状态。他表示,目前新兴市场的名义GDP增长率快于发达市场,但是很多经济体过度依赖刺激政策,导致目前流动性逐渐枯竭,对此他建议,市场和经济面临不断变化的环境,不同时间要采取不同的策略。同时,他肯定了中国实施的可持续性政策,认为中国是全球资本市场最稳健的国家之一,中国经济发展吸取了国外经验和历史经验,要继续稳住基本面,做好准备应对西方的软衰退以及东方的复苏,采取循序渐进的刺激政策。

































































































































This is PineBridge’ second year here. And so we thank the Forum for inviting us. Again, we think it’s exceedingly important when understanding this is low as it is. And trust is as low as it is. So, organizations like this and forums like this, we find very, very constructive.

I’m going to talk today about, first of all, what are the most important things to do in our view, is to try to understand the view that’s already priced into the markets. And then what’s wrong with that view where you think things will differ? So, the way we read how markets are priced, and we are very focused in trying to understand what we call the two global bookends.

Obviously, the United States and China are by far the most powerful economies. And we think every other economy is in the orbit of one or the other, or some combination. So, I’m really going to focus really on the economic outlook for these two economies, as well as what their markets are saying is priced into the view.

To us, we did hear that people are very pessimistic on China. If you’re looking outside of China, that is true. Many people on the West would say that China popped their own property bubble. The local governments were not prepared financially for the loss of revenue, leading to balance sheet issues. And many say that China is at substantial risk of a balance sheet recession. And they compare it to Japan’s balance sheet recession that lasted 32 years.

In the United States, many people also say that the US is facing a period of exceptionalism. They have leads and technology that leads in AI. The economy at the moment is accelerating despite all the predictions that it’d be in recession.

At PineBridge, well, there’s true elements of everything that the consensus is looking at. But we have some very substantial differences of opinion with consensus at the moment.

First of all, we became bullish on the China equity market in last September. We think there’s far too much pessimism built into the market. Every single country that went through COVID had a rough exit from COVID. Many used substantial help in terms of monetary and fiscal. And there is a relationship between how long you are locked down and how long it will take to recover. And so we don’t see anything, like many others, that there was a one quarter recovery, and something is seriously wrong, because the stimulus has been much gentler, the period under lockdown was longer. This society here was much more concerned about their elderly. They took much longer to unlock. But we think it will be a long runway now of growth from that purpose.

So, let us go through some of this. When we look at the West, particularly the United States, much of this exceptionalism is accurate. It’s a wonderful technology ecosystem, tremendous incentives built into the economy. That’s all good things. But we’re going to step you through how the United States at the moment has overstimulated for years on end, which is one reason for what appears to be exceptionalism. So, it’s overstimulated. At the moment, it’s overheating. At the moment, it’s overvalued.

And when we look East, we see the opposite. We see markets that are extraordinarily defensively priced. There certainly are issues, but many areas, particularly Asian manufacturers have been suffering in their exports, because consumer goods in the United States have been very slow and manufacturing sell through into consumer markets have been running well-well-well-below demand to clear inventories. It’s been going on all year long. And it’s almost over. And so Asian manufacturers will benefit quite a bit when this is over.

But first, I’d like to start with this balance sheet recession. And at the moment, China is not yet in a balance sheet recession. And there are risks that that could happen. You could either look to Japan, for lessons learned.

We tend not to do that. Because it took Japan 32 years to get out of their balance sheet recession. The first 22 years, we think the policy was misapplied. Much of the policy for the first 22 years reflected the mentality and the lessons of the boom times in Japan.

The boom times in the ‘70s and ‘80s led to certain habits and thinking of how Japan implemented policy — I’ll talk more about it — and they continue that on when the times changed. And that’s why, in our view, it took so long to get out.

Eventually, in 2013, we had Prime Minister Abe, Chief Central Bank, Kuroda, who completely changed policies for a depressed confidence level.

I called it defeating defeatism. Once you’re in a depressed environment for a long time, lack of confidence itself becomes the problem. And they took it head on. It still took them 10 years, because they let it fester so long.

But what you see here is, I’m going to suggest that the United States actually, after the financial crisis was also in a balance sheet recessions. And so these charts illustrate this. If you look at the chart to the left, you’ll see the top line, household debt service to disposable income. In the middle of the chart, it was going up. That was the peak, that was the financial crisis. There was too much leverage, too much confidence coming into the financial crisis. And then confidence came way down. And as a result, people saved a lot more. They delivered a lot more. That’s very, very common in the wake of a property, you know, bad period.

So, if you look at that chart, though, that only lasted six years, because there was stepped up fiscal policies, there was stepped up monetary policies, and the deleveraging was over after about six years.

Now, you didn’t hear that it was a balance sheet recession. Many, at the time, were saying this was secular stagnation. How silly! It was just a deleveraging after a property bubble went burst.

But the US was still slow after that. While it did adjust policy, the first six years very aggressively, very quickly, with the right mix, the following period added tremendous regulatory burden to the economy that kept the period slow. So, they handled the first half of that correctly, the second half of that incorrectly.

China is actually in a great advantage. Now that they’re in a situation that’s not that different than what Japan had or the United States had with respect to the property sector. And they can look what’s worked in other economies, what’s not worked in other economies.

I’m also going to use this to talk about the interest rate structure. To the right hand side, you see investment in the United States and every cycle of investments since the World War Two. And the cycle to the far right, that blue line, that is after the financial crisis investment. When your customer was deleveraging and slow, investment was slow.

Now, what do we know about savings and investment? Well, that’s the big thing to figuring out the interest rate regime you’re in. When the savings impulse is very high — everyone is deleveraging, the savings rates going up — and the investment impulse is very weak, rates are going to drop. And they have to drop a lot to equilibrate those forces. Into that environment, the central bank also added QE and brought rates slamming to the floor.

Today, many people are saying on the investment outlook, why are interest rates going up so much? What’s the exact opposite? Right now, savings have gone up. And savings keep running down all year long. Despite rates being high on savings, there’s no savings impulse today. People want to spend today. And the investment impulse is this orange line on the right chart. It’s the strongest period of investment, really since before China entered the WTO.

When China entered the WTO, the United States and Western Europe outsourced a lot of capital intensity to China. And the investment appetite was low. What comes along with reshoring supply chains, what comes along with climate? There’s a $3 trillion lack of climate investment despite all the climate investments. So right now, savings impulse, very low; investment needs very high. This is the big reason that interest rates keep rising. But we are going to continue developing this.

We’re in a very different period. And the United States at the moment is still applying lessons that were right for that period after the financial crisis. We still stimulate too quickly. And so in the COVID period, in the middle of this chart, you can see the fiscal deficit widening in recession.

That’s what usually happens in the United States. You go into recession, the tax revenue goes down, the spending to get out of the recession goes up. Very normal. But on the right side, you’ll see this deficit widening. And this is very unusual. We have not seen a fiscal widening in 50 years. So, this is the United States has become addicted to stimulus. And a lot of this exceptional growth, this year, is happening because of a fiscal thrust.

Now, what’s so wrong with that — we’re growing? Isn’t that a great thing? Here is the federal debt.

If you strip out the federal debt that’s held by central banks-- Not only the Federal Reserve, China, Japan, sort of all the central banks in the world have held a lot of treasury debt for foreign currency reserves. If you take that out, and you look at price sensitive owners of treasuries as a percentage of GDP, this is what you see. And the left hand side of that chart is 1903. We are starting, because of our addiction, to fiscal spending to create growth.

Why are we doing that? It’s the strongest country on Earth. We have technology advantage. We have this advantage, this advantage. But we become addicted since the financial crisis, since COVID, to fiscal spending. And now the right hand side is the projection by the Congressional Budget Office.

They’re projecting: It’s going to spin out of control. This is another reason why interest rates are going up so much. Before I was talking about private savings and private investments. But here now, the government is draining all the savings, because they become addicted to this.

There are implications of that. You will also hear: The United States economy is extraordinarily resilient. Because all these companies when interest rates were so low, termed out their debt. Very long-term debt. They’re not sensitive to rates going up. Same with households. If you owned a house when rates were low, almost all households termed out the debt and took on 30-year mortgages.

So where’s the interest rate sensitivity? 70% of the jobs in the United States are small-small-business. 250 employees or less, too small for financial annums to talk to.

We don’t really know what’s happening with that. But there are surveys. And when you ask them, what are you paying for your interest on your loans, you see the green line. And that’s the inverse of what you ask them: How confident are you in your business?

I don’t show that now. But imagine that plummeting as the interest rates are rising. So this addiction to borrowing, addiction to stimulus is really, really hurting small business, which is where 70% of the jobs are.

And this will pay for some time next year. Markets have been very, very happy this year. Because the supply chain pressures-- This is an index that the Federal Reserve came up with to track the impact of the COVID global supply chain pressures.

And you can see to the left, this index was set to-- See, before COVID, it should be oscillating around zero. And it was. And then with COVID, the supply chain pressures created a lot of inability to supply and cost pressures. What’s been happening more recently is a dramatic decline. And markets have celebrated that. And they should if it can continue. But what you see on that index is it’s now lower than it’s ever been. Which means the supply side improvements probably have overshot. Probably!

We just had our first inflation number, a week ago, that began ticking up again. In our view, inflation is going to continue ticking up for much of the rest of the year. You have to know what is embedded in markets. Markets are embedding the expectation that inflation will keep coming down and down and down.

Here’s a very long-term view of inflation in the United States. If you only look at goods, that’s the lower line. And service is the higher line. Now, goods are interesting. To the left, after the Berlin Wall fell, and East and West Germany unified, and it was really the beginning of globalization. Before that goods used to run at about a 1% positive inflation rate. You can see on the left side of the chart.

By the time China enters the WTO, goods’ prices are normally negative, holding down inflation. Now, if we completely decouple those goods prices, we end globalization, they’re going to go back up to 1%. Market is not pricing in anything like that. It thinks this supply side resilience that we’ve been seeing is going to continue and continue. It might, but that’s not our view at PineBridge.

And here’s the last chart that I think, to me, at least, pulls it all together. Our markets and the developed markets have massively outperformed for the last 15 years. And again, a lot of it is real fundamentals. A great incentive system. It’s rewarded a lot of innovation. A big edge in a lot of technologies.

However-however-however, if you look to the left, you see emerging market growth, it has been coming down. Green Line, develop market growth, it has been going up. A lot of the going up has been the addiction to stimulus. We’ve been overstimulating and over stimulating and over stimulating.

To the right is actually the chart that I want everyone to focus on. And remember this, you’re all too pessimistic on your own markets and you’re too optimistic on US markets.

The chart to the right is very simple. It looks at how fast developed markets increase their monetary base in comparison to how fast their nominal GDP grows. And it’s a 12-month run rate of each. And you can see, the green line has been very, very consistently growing above zero.

And it began with Ben Bernanke, which is on the right side. This is Ben Bernanke coming in with free money. He is constantly growing the monetary base much, much faster than GDP, and then it spikes, that’s Janet Yellen. Janet Yellen is taking crisis orientated policy and making it permanent when there’s not a crisis, and just continuously growing the balance sheet, massively faster than nominal GDP.

Now, this helped the liquidity, and it helped lower interest rates, and it helped to raise PEs. But when the global disruption occurred to COVID, while Asia’s inflation didn’t go up, as much as those in Asia was not practicing this quantitative easing.

Those economies that practice that, everyone saw inflation go up, but they went a far higher, far higher. So they know now, they have to start shrinking all of this excess liquidity. So, if you continue to the right, you’ll see that the shrinkage of liquidity is ending. It’s very hard in Congress to get any more stimulus approved. Congress is gridlocked. So, a lot of the excess market return that came from excess stimulus, fiscal excess stimulus monetary, it’s over. It’s over.

So, again, the West have very expensive markets. And they have overstimulated. And they’re applying the wrong formula to the wrong environment. They’re in an overheating environment and they’re stimulating into an overheating environment. So when the times change, we look for markets where people are changing with the times.

One of the reasons we bought into China in September is we did think that by November zero COVID would be left, there’d be a new team, it would be their policies, they would want to start changing things.

COVID Zero has been removed. The issues that the government had with technology have been settled. Down payments on mortgages have been lowered. We’ve had several iterations with local government. Debts being refinance. This is a lot in 11 months.

It’s a lot! So, right now, markets are very, very worried that China isn’t stimulating as much as they’re used to. Well, it’s a much more sustainable policy.

And we still have the tailwind. And you will have a tailwind from business re-opening for several years, as a result of COVID, and the markets are priced very disruptive.

Now, what I’m showing here is that the pattern of policy has been very Stop & Go, has been very Stop & Go. Stop & Go is appropriate in some sorts of economies.

When you’re in a booming economy-- So, this is the Michael Kelly rule of what works in different environments. When you’re trying to resist overinflated booming economies, bubbly economies, most people have Stop & Go policies, give a little bit, but pull it back very quickly.

And this is what Japan did for 22 years. It worked during the boom times of the ‘70s and ‘80s. And they became so comfortable that that was the right way. They continued doing it, continue doing it. And it took 22 years when the environment changed before Abe and Kuroda said, “We have to change policy.”

What we like about China having come here a long-long-time, it’s practical, it learns by experimenting, it looks around the world, it learns lessons. Will they get it right immediately? If they do, they’ll be the only country that did. But I think they’re going to do it a lot faster than 22 years. And I think they’re going to do it a lot faster than six years.

So, essentially, when you have overconfident markets, you have to take away the policy as soon as you can, because you’re trying to dampen those animal spirits. When you have underconfident markets, you have to stick with policy, you have to let everybody know the government will be helping as long as it takes.

And Mario Draghi eventually in Europe said, “Whatever it takes,” Abe and Kuroda eventually said, “We’re going to defeat defeatism,” and these are the kinds of policies that I expect, eventually, China will operate. Meanwhile, things are already getting better. Green shoots are happening. Congratulations! That’s terrific. Markets aren’t rewarding it, because they’re worried you’re gonna yank the policy away. I doubt it.

All I here when I come here is the government is already trying to figure out how do we funnel more money into advanced manufacturing, how do we replace that property sectors’ issue for growth. So, I expect to see a lot of that in 2024. Policy is not going to be yanked away. This is the most forgiving valuation in the world. There’s most pessimism built into this. And so we think that a lot of good things can come out of that.

My last chart-- I’m sure I’ve run over time, even more now. But let’s go one more. So, again, these savings versus investment tensions to find regimes-- We’re in a different regime. In the West, when you’re in an overheating regime, markets generally don’t do well. The West is in an overheating regime.

So, this is why part of our strategy is to go East, go East, go where markets are very restrained by policy. Fiscal has to gradually start taking away the stimulus. Monetary is already taking away the stimulus and prices are already outrageously expensive. And go to areas where policy is trying to nurture growth, trying to nurture liquidity, and valuations are very low.

And it sounds very simple. And I’m sure it won’t be that simple if you care about navigating every little twist and turn over the next couple of months. But a year from now, if you invite us back, I’m very comfortable that China is going to have one of the better stock markets in the world.

With that, I’m going to thank you again for inviting us for a second year. I look forward to coming back next year.



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