瑞银资管Massimiliano Castelli:全球经济有望迎来“软着陆”
10月27日,在全球财富管理论坛·2024上海苏河湾大会上,瑞银资产管理全球主权市场的全球战略主管Massimiliano Castelli在“全球变局下的金融业合作与发展”主题论坛上发表演讲。
我是瑞银资产管理全球主权市场的全球战略主管Massimiliano Castelli。很遗憾,由于我正在美国华盛顿特区 (Washington, D.C.)参加国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行年会,所以无法亲临现场参会。
然而,全球市场是否过于关注“软着陆”而忽视了尾部风险(tail risks)?投资者是否高估了人工智能革命的影响及其在未来提升企业利润的能力?
这对投资者来说是一个积极的环境,投资者有机会在 2024年和明年获得可观的回报,但需要妥善管理下行风险。
I am Massimiliano Castelli, Head Global Strategy, Global Sovereign Markets, at UBS Asset Management. Unfortunately, I cannot be with you in person as I am in Washington DC for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Annual meetings.
The annual meeting of the IMF and the Word Bank takes place at a very important time for global capital markets. I would like to focus my remarks today on the state of the global economy and then draw some implications for markets and investors.
The global economy is set for what it has been called a “soft-landing”. Such a scenario would be a pretty remarkable development given the magnitude of the inflation shock experienced by the global economy post-Covid and the massive increase in interest rates launched by central banks to fight inflation.
In previous episodes of interest hikes of similar magnitude, the US economy actually has always suffered a recession.
The soft landing is a scenario of moderate inflation and moderate growth but no recession. The resilience of the US economy is largely explained by the very healthy balance sheets of US households and corporations and the low unemployment levels.
The AI revolution is another factor contributing to the resilience of the US economy.
What is also remarkable is that the soft-landing scenario remains in place despite ongoing geopolitical volatility, for instance, the Ukraine conflict, Middle East, US-China tensions, and uncertainty over the upcoming US Presidential elections taking place in just over a week.
These benign economic and financial conditions are reflected in soaring asset prices. 2024 is expected to end with stock prices at historical highs and volatility very low. Thanks to falling interest rates, fixed income assets are also expected to generate positive returns in 2024 providing a further boost to global balanced portfolios.
Have global markets become too focused on the soft-landing scenario and ignoring the tail risks? Are investors overestimating the impact of the AI revolution and its ability to boost profits of corporations in the future?
The soft landing could be disrupted by a sudden drop in the confidence of households and corporates driven either by an unexpected increase in inflation that would force central banks to increase interest rates again and more forcefully than before.
Or by a significant worsening of the geopolitical situation with a further escalation in the ongoing conflicts or the eruption of new ones that could translate into soaring commodity prices and volatility.
These tail risks should be managed from an asset allocation point of view. We are currently recommending our clients to remain invested into equity and other risky assets, as we believe that this is the most likely scenario for the foreseeable future.
However, we are also recommending clients to manage downside risk.
Diversification across markets and asset classes remain the most important strategy available to investors to manage this risk.
Diversification did not play very well for investors in 2022, when inflation soared, and interest rates start rising sharply globally. Correlation between stocks and fixed income turned positive and diversified portfolios suffer significant losses.
In 2024, the correlation between bonds and stocks turned negative again as inflation has been falling. Thanks to the current level of interest rates, fixed income is expected to provide some protection should equity marked fall from current valuation.
With regards to equity, the concentration of performance in a few US tech stocks is another risk that needs to be managed. I would recommend moving away from passive equity strategies and diversify more across equity market, including emerging markets.
Overall, the economic and financial situation is quite good, despite the ongoing challenges and the uncertainty surrounding upcoming key political events.
This is a positive backdrop for investors and there are opportunities for investors to make decent returns in 2024 and next year, but risk should be properly managed.
This is where I believe the asset management industry plays a key role: provide investors with the right knowledge and expertise to make the right investment decisions and manage risks effectively.